He said: Sam's "using my daughter. People never even knew who Samantha Ronson was until she met Lindsay. She was just some L.A. DJ."
Lindsay fired back on her blog saying: "He has become a public embarrassment (sic) and a bully- To my family, my co-workers, my friends, and a girl that means the world to me (its obvious who that is)." His motivations are pretty obvious to her. It's all because of "an ADDICTION THAT HE HAS- FAME."
Lindsay was so upset she was even listening to her daddy-issues anthem "Confessions of a Broken Heart," according to her MySpace profile.
Samantha responded as well on her blog, in an entry titled "Shut the F*** Up," she writes that Mikey "is so desperate for attention that he goes to the media whenever possible- i know i am being used, i am just a pawn- easy to sacrifice in order to feed his addiction."
She also clarifies that "it's safe to say that there is not now and never will be a tell all..... written by me..... when does your book come out Mr. lohan?"
However, angry MySpace attacks are just going to inspire more material when reporters call him today to ask for comment. And he'll comment because he can't help himself.
Included are the actual girls' responses from their blogs.
Lindsay Lohan:
If you have something to say to me, say it to my face- that's what i have believed my whole life- don't be a coward and say it to others first, let alone all the media in the world- i think we know where the rest of this blog is going...
If you guessed it had to do with my father- then you guessed right! It really hurts, because i have tried- after all that my mother and siblings have gone through, i really tried to make things work- For the hope of having a father again-wanting things to change- even though people have said, some people will forever remain the same.
Having said that- the people were right, and he is yet to change- but this time, without his daughter by his side- He has become a public embarrassment and a bully- To my family, my co-workers, my friends, and a girl that means the world to me (its obvious who that is).
He has no idea what is going on in my life because i have chosen not to involve him in it- His recent attack on my life and my loved ones is simply for an ADDICTION THAT HE HAS- FAME. Why he feels the need to comment on anything in my life that i may want to keep private, is beyond comprehension- If he really cared about me and my life, then he would learn to respect my wishes by staying out of it.
Samantha has not and would never sell me out. Nor has my mother, who is wonderful.
This further proves that any information that my father has about me or the people in my life is Internet based- and about as accurate as a page six item.
I'm not going to engage any further, though i probably could go on...
I have said enough, i have a therapist, and it is not the the camera man at x17.
Samantha Ronson:
i really don't want to say anything because i feel like he wins- he, being the man who is so desperate for attention that he goes to the media whenever possible- i know i am being used, i am just a pawn- easy to sacrifice in order to feed his addiction. I was angry when i first read his attack on me, but- for me- i believe that actions speak louder than words... so now i just pity him- i am not standing in his way- i am not the reason that he has no contact with his daughter- he is- his need to throw a tantrum for the whole world to hear is- i am not going to go into a play by play defense- i feel no need to publicly defend my role in Lindsay's life- I'm just sorry that she likes me more than him.
p.s. I'm not the one that is so lost that i need to use my relationship with Lindsay to earn a living.... i am, always will and always have been here for her for her- not for anything else....so I think it's safe to say that there is not now and never will be a tell all..... written by me..... when does your book come out Mr. lohan?
Her father has always had bad intentions and the poor girl keeps going back to him because it is her dad and keeps giving him second chances, but there are only so many chances you can give someone before you have to let go. It's a shame because it is her dad, but he is obviously only after one thing.
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