She needed the help from two of her friends to hold her up as the 3 of them left the restaurant STK in NYC.
Yesterday she went to a meeting in Manhattan at Conde Nast before indulging in some retail therapy at the Bergdorf Goodman store.
Perhaps she was a little too happy over the news that her husband David has bought her a vineyard for her 34th birthday. He is said to have paid a seven-figure sum for the estate in the Napa Valley, which will produce wine exclusively for their consumption.

But someone else was getting very drunk at a party after the Glamour Awards. Who else would it be but Lily Allen. This girl has been photographed so much in the past couple weeks and almost all of the pictures are of her drinking, passed out drunk, acting a fool, or getting carried. She needs to calm her ass down.

In the above picture she was hanging out(he was helping her stand upright) with Mark Ronson.
A fellow party-goer said: ‘I asked her how she was doing and she could hardly stand up. She said, ‘Could you escort me out of here please? I feel ill’. ‘I was holding her hand but had to put my arm around her to steady her. She kept almost falling over. We got to the exit, and she said, “Actually, I need a cigarette”, and staggered off, bumping into someone on the way. Her brother Alfie took over from there.’

Security staff picked her up and carried her outside, and had to hand her over the street railings to another doorman.
Alfie gallantly tried to keep the onlookers at bay as she was carried out but managed to make an embarrassment of himself in the process, tripping over his feet before hitting the pavement.
Oh yea and besides her just acting ridiculous her dress was hideous. It looks all cute from far away, but up close it has pictures of deer all over it. Not just any deer, but all of them have their throats slit and are gushing blood. How sweet!!
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