A while ago, we had heard about Lynne Spears(Britney and Jamie Lynn's momma) writing a memoir. I haven't heard anything about it in a long time, then yesterday the publisher confirmed that her book will be released this fall. The book it titled; Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World" is most likely going to be in bookstore September.
"When Jamie Lynn got pregnant, it was put on hold," says a spokesman for Thomas Nelson, which publishes inspirational books and Bibles. "Lynne never stopped working on it because she wants to express her love for her children and tell their stories through a mother's eyes."
Spears's manuscript "will not be a parenting book," he says. "It's her story of what it was like being a mom and raising two very famous people. It's a memoir."
I remember when I first heard of this that the book was going to be a religious parenting book and how much criticism she was getting about it. Everyone was basically saying who was she to write about that kind of topic when her one daughter was so messed up and going crazy and her other daughter was an unmarried, pregnant teen. I thought she cancelled the idea all together and hoped everyone forgot about it, but it seems she hasn't. I do have a theory on it though. It was supposed to be a parenting book, why else would the publisher rep clearly say it is not a parenting book. If it wasn't supposed to be one in the first place, no one would even think that. I think she scrapped the idea and during that time wrote up this new book about raising famous children. I have a feeling it's going to be a sympathy cry kinda memoir. And more importantly who cares about her memoir?? I don't care about her raising her daughters because guess what?? I have seen it all, ever since Britney Spears has been famous there has been countless stories about her life on biography, vh1 and every other channel . Besides, what about all the books that have been written on her already, fan websites, and blogs. So I for one will not be ordering a copy of this book--Will you?? Will anybody?? I'm sure a bunch of people will because they think it's going to have some juicy details...IT WON'T..she is still her mom and is not going to "sell out" her daughter..Britney is after all, Lynne's paycheck!!
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